Requirements for Training and Learning Modules
The purpose of this template is to support standardization and consistency of DISI training and learning materials produced by different implementing partners under TAP.
The aim is to enable TAP partners to produce well-organized, uniform, user-friendly DISI capacity-strengthening materials.
Under the PEPFAR-funded Global Informatics Collaborative (GIC) Technical Assistance Platform (TAP) project, CDC and TAP implementing partners Jembi, PATH, and the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) are implementing several harmonized work streams with the common goal of addressing barriers to data use and access needed to achieve the UNAIDS 95-95-95 HIV targets. The Data Integration Strategies and Implementation (DISI) workstream, led by Jembi, aims to improve sustainable health information systems to improve patient care and program monitoring.
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To support users to implement DISI outputs, TAP implementing partners develop training and learning modules on different aspects of DISI for different users based on their needs. This template provides a framework for organizing DISI learning materials in a consistent manner.